
Celebration: Sunday @ 10:00 a.m.

If you are visiting the Loveland Vineyard, please stop by the information counter after the service and introduce yourself to one of our leaders.  You can also fill out one of our Connection Cards located in the chair backs or info counter and drop it in the offering box.

Here is what you can expect during our Sunday morning celebration:

Approximately 25-30 minutes of worship.  Feel free to stand, sit, or just listen. You can also go to  …

  • The Cross – a place for you to write a burden, a joy or a thank you to God and place it on the cross
  • Receive Communion  – you are welcome to participate in the Lord’s Supper
  • The Prayer Box – write out your prayer requests and our prayer team will pray for and with you during the week
  • The Offering Box – express your gratitude to God by bringing your tithes and offerings. Envelopes are available for cash or specified donations.

A timely and relevant message of about 30 minutes.

A short time of worship and reflection on the message.

Our prayer team is also available to pray with you at this time.