Updated March 21, 2020 with new Zoom links
The Vineyard is known for finding the “radical middle.” We strive to find a balance between reading the Bible, and doing the stuff; between learning about the Holy Spirit and engaging with the Holy Spirit. Looking at the vast reactions surrounding COVID-19 shutdowns, how can we find balance in our responses? We want to find the radical middle moving forward; honoring our local leaders and the guidelines given to us, but also honoring God and walking in His confidence. We hope to find the balance between safety and community.
This Sunday, we would like to try using Zoom, a video conference service, to hold our weekly gathering. This is different from live streaming or podcasts because it is interactive and community oriented. If you are comfortable, consider inviting a couple close friends over to watch together. If you aren’t able to, or are uncomfortable meeting in person with others, you can still follow along and participate from the comfort of your own home.
Here are the details for the Zoom service, please read everything carefully. If you are unfamiliar with how to use Zoom, watch this short instructional video.
Sunday Service
Sunday, April 5 at 10:00am (join at 9:45 to say hi before the service)
For video, click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/738076515?pwd=c1RxaE9RbU4wRkpWNEJHS0xlMDhPdz09
If you don’t have a smart phone or computer with a camera, you can call in using this number:
+1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 738 076 515
Passcode: 022835